Preclinical Years
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The preclinical years of medical school are important for students considering a career in Obstetrics and Gynecology.
Obstetrics and Gynecology residency programs value involvement in extracurricular activities, community service, leadership, and research. According to the 2018 NRMP Program Director Survey:
Leadership qualities are cited by 63% of programs as a factor used to make interview decisions.
Demonstrated involvement or interest in research is cited by 41% as a factor used to make interview decisions.
Volunteer/extracurricular activities are cited by 54% of programs as a factor used to make interview decisions.
In our book, Success in Medical School: Insider Advice for the Preclinical Years, we provide you with a detailed blueprint on how to do just that.
The preclinical years are an excellent time to build these credentials
3 ways to Build your Credentials in Neurosurgery as a Preclinical Student
At the Annual Clinical Meeting of the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), students can attend the medical student course and luncheon, residency fair, and student workshops. Registration and membership are free for students. ACOG divides its members into regions or districts based on geography. Medical student members can also attend their Annual District Meeting.
ACOG has developed a list of obstetricians and gynecologists interested in mentoring students. To access the list, you must become an ACOG member. Dr. Eugene Toy offers advice for students seeking a mentor. “The two most important factors are availability/interest of the faculty member, and experience/expertise of the faculty member to give good advice. Other factors include honesty and integrity, confidentiality, and the mentor’s placing the students’ interests as higher than one’s own or the institution’s.”
Learn more about the specialty by joining your school’s interest group. There are over 120 active medical student OB/GYN interest groups. A guide to starting a new group is available at the ACOG website.
For more information on how to stand out in Obstetrics and Gynecology as a preclinical student, turn to our book Success in Medical School: Insider Advice for the Preclinical Years.